1st Vow of SMRA Sister, 2021

1st Vow of SMRA Sister, 2021

One of the hallmarks of life in Asha Yawa Ashram is the Bair Tritya. Padua SMRA Ashram 2014 is going to enter 20 years after passing 12 years in 2022 AD. The day was celebrated on 16th February, 2014 in a very pompous and solemn manner.The generous and noble person who was the benevolent father-like friend of the Padua Ashram and the ideal Christian devotee and generous person dedicated to human service 25-05-2008 Dhahaf Chatrabhavangrat Ahambashar Aibattar 13-03-2018 Both of them have completed their good deeds and left for the country.