Padua Ashram Italy.

Padua Ashram Italy.

A great gift from God to Queen Maria’s companion of the apostles of the third millennium AD. In preparation for the Ninth General Assembly, the members of the Union were anxiously awaiting a suitable opportunity to make every effort to modernize the ideology and charisma of the Union. At the beginning of this new millennium, through the open door to enter the door of the world, the Desi Dharmasangha of Bengal, the Sangini Sanghi of Rani Maria of the Praritas. Its sisters are the local benefactors of Padua, a developed country in the West Responding to the heartfelt invitation of the common Christian, he was sent for the first time for the purpose of preaching and preaching.

Sisters get a golden opportunity to present their identity as relatives to the weak, helpless, aged people. With the permission and permission of His Excellency Archbishop Michael Rochario, Dharmapala of Dhaka Mahadharmapradesh, the revered Sister Mary Dipti and her associates, with the vision and perseverance for the greater good of the Sangha, passed away on February 18, 2002, in the month of February, 2002. She was joined in 2004 by Mary Stella.

Purpose of sending:

Opera Imaculata Concezione is an organization. A place of refuge for the sick, the elderly, the handicapped, the helpless. The current chief executive of the organization, President Professor Angelo Ferro, is a devout Catholic. Her dream is to become a selfless, tender servant in the end of the life of these helpless elders. From the side can give them physical, mental and spiritual care and service. He considered the vows to be suitable for this service work.

Paulo Argentini, a close friend of Professor Angelo, was then staying in Bangladesh.  It was during this time that he became acquainted with Sister Lillian, who worked at the Center for the Awakening Industry Learn about the nuns’ life and activities. He exchanged greetings with Paulo Argentini and SMRA Padua Casidi Riposo plans to hand over the responsibility of the organization to the association.

In the month of September, 1999, for a special reason In the absence of Sister Dipti and Sister Shanta, Paulo Argentini had a detailed talk with Sister Wisdom, the manager of Mary’s House, and Sister Lillian. The Sister General learned of the matter from the Sisters and shared it with her ministers and talked to Paulo.  The Union Minister extended the invitation to Padua to the Sisters of the Union and, after much thought and discussion at various times, nominated three Sisters.

The Lord spoke in the fullness of time. In December 2000, Professor Angelo sent his friend Paulo to Dhaka to observe the environment, the situation, the activities and the realities. There they reached the final decision of Paulo Argentina and Burritti. After the Italian embassy rejected the proposal of Angelo’s nurses and sisters, His Excellency Michael Rosario, the Patriarch of Dhaka, personally contacted His Excellency Archbishop Antony of Italy and took permanent steps to send the sisters.

February 16, 2002 is a landmark day in the history of the Apostles’ Queen Mary’s Companions Association.  Paulo Argentini, The three nominated sisters of the association – Ms. Mary Pragya (director), Ms. Mary Geneva and Ms. Mary Victoria (nurse) – arrived at the new destination on 16 February, starting their journey to Padua with British Airways. This is the first missionary of the Three Sisters Association.

Paulo Argentina is a benevolent friend of the sisters living in a new environment abroad. He kept the Sisters in his arms. In the early stages, the sisters did not get much speed in their life with the help and companionship of their friends. They were always eager to meet their needs.

In organized life they had the freedom to perform spiritual practices in a timely manner. Padua Mahadharmapala and his representative supervised the Sisters themselves. A priest named Don Gino was appointed to take care of the patients and the sisters.  The sisters did not miss the country in caring for and managing the services of all of them.

In order to overcome the language barrier, in the first 2 weeks, the sisters are taught the language with the help of the tutor.  After some fluency in language, on October 1, 2002, C. Geneva and C. Victoria were admitted to a government school in Athahong for a nursing diploma course. They travel by bus every day and have classes from 3:30 to 6:30.

Daily schedule:

In addition to language education, Sisters assist patients in a variety of ways. Sisters are responsible for feeding them every afternoon and evening. Amimazione Sermizio from Monday to Friday – arranging sports and film screenings to help and entertain patients with their work, Celebrate their birthdays by taking them to church and praying the rosary with them every afternoon.  Moreover, the main task of the Sisters is to help the priests to distribute carnations every Friday at Christ.

Florence :

St. Francis of the Sales Sisters Association in the city of Florence, Italy After a long stay of 15 years, Sister Mary Pranati completed her medical studies. While they were there, he assisted in the care of the elderly sisters of the association.  Sister Mary Brigitta, presently, at the request of the Sisters, as an expression of gratitude to the Sisters after the return of the Sisters, SMRA is continuing the work of taking care of their services from the ashram of those sisters. In addition to this work, he is also getting the opportunity of some brief spiritual training.

One of the hallmarks of life in Asha Yawa Ashram is the Bair Tritya. Padua SMRA Ashram 2014 is going to enter 20 years after passing 12 years in 2022 AD. The day was celebrated on 16th February, 2014 in a very pompous and solemn manner.The generous and noble person who was the benevolent father-like friend of the Padua Ashram and the ideal Christian devotee and generous person dedicated to human service 25-05-2008 Dhahaf Chatrabhavangrat Ahambashar Aibattar 13-03-2018 Both of them have completed their good deeds and left for the country.

To them Sangha and Padua Ashram are grateful. Ishwar: Give them peace. Till now the present Ashram members. The Sangha and the Ashram are carrying out their services and missions keeping in view the aims and objectives. The current number of members is 6. Sisters Wisdom, Victoria and Sister Geneva first visited the Padua Monastery. See at a glance Jaksangha needs to go to hope.

Name                                                     Arrival                                  Return

  1. Sister Mary Pragga                17-02-02                             02-03-20
  2. Sister Mary Victoria                17-02-02                             26-06-14
  3. Sister Mary Geneva                17-02-02                             16-03-12
  4. Sister Mary Stella               14-01-04
  5. Sister Mary Swapna                07-07-06
  6. Sister Mary Maryane                07-07-06
  7. Sister Mary Bridget                15-10-08
  8. Sister Mary  Janet                05-09-11
  9. Sister Mary Hima                16-07-12                             03-10-13
  10. Sister Mary  Clotilda                05-09-13
  11. Sister Mary Tandra                27-02-15
  12. Sister Mary Angelica             29-11-2021

The current number of members is 6. Ngo: 5 Sister Clotilda (Family) Among the children serving Sister Stella, Sisters Swapna and Maryane Senior Nurse are also serving. Sisters Janet and Clotilda are in a trance. Jhayab rang sararaham rihya yaba parasasanharu dhav aisrudhanabahya jharangbatang, 20 sarhambang bhatras yab parasasanharahu dhav chadhaphandha. Sister Stella 14-01-2004 c. He came to Italy with wisdom.

The first 1 year Padua Maria He learned the language from the Sisters’ Convent for a year and then From July 8, 2006 Go to the country and come back and work first at Ngoi, Chadharsar Thao.2012-2013 Ghadhudhatbah, Ngoh (Idhandha for Jaradharangra) Usafabatsu worked in Irangba. From 2013 he c. To this day, instead of Hima, Ngo is sincerely doing service work among the children in Angsar. The children and their relatives and T. Aragon are very happy. Her presence gives joy to the children.

Serves service responsibilities with devotion. Later, he responded to the call of Sang to study 22 Dec. 2011 Go back to the country every year.Sister Janet became the 7th Sister and came to Padua Ashram on 5th Sept. 2011 Year. She learned the language for 1 year in the service and school in the ashram and at the same time with the wisdom of Sister Morarham. A: There are a lot of different colors in the world. Oh 2012-2013, Nyab dhasandra madhab dharasanhah babat nbatarapab raha ghadhudhatbahya.

It is also used in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. The following is a list of our most popular pages in the wikipedia category: . It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s that I don’t love you, it’s that I don’t love you, it’s that I don’t love you, it’s that I don’t love you. 18-03-2012 AD Every year Sister Mary returned to the heart of Bengal with her hard and selfless loving service for 11 long years.

C. After Bridget Lee, C. in her place as the 9th sister. Hima came to Padua Ashram on July 7, 2012 and started working among the children in place of Sister Bridget after learning the language for almost a year. But due to illness 3 Oct. 2013 AD Return to the country with Sister General Anita.

01-11-2012 After 11 years of dedicated service, Sister Mary Pragga handed over the management of Padua Ashram to Sister Victoria on the instructions of the Association. 05-09-13 AD During the year Sister Mary Clotilda came to Italy with Sister General C, Anita, Go to language class for 1 year for language study and 1 month from Padua Salesian Sisters’ Ashram.
You do.28-09-13 c. At the initiative of General Sister Anita, the sisters of the Ashram celebrated the 50th anniversary of the marriage Celebrate. They were very happy and fascinated by the sudden arrangement and expressed their gratitude.

25-10-13 AD This year marks the culmination of the long 70th anniversary of the founding of the Union in a grand procession. Is finished.02-05-14 c. Victoria returns to America to visit relatives 21-07-14 in the year of the need of the Union of nurses c. Victoria served for 12 years and prepared to go home. After Sister Pragga, Sister Mary Victoria faithfully performed the duties of the family of Padua Ashram for 1 year and 9 months. And. Before leaving the evening prayer c. Explaining the responsibility of the monastery to Clotilda Give.

Special thanks to Sister Victoria from the monastery on 26-08-2014 and 26-07 2014 AD. Every year Sister Victoria returned to Bangladesh from Italy. After Sister Mary Tandra arrived in Italy in 2015, she first taught Italian for three months at the Padua Salesian Sisters’ House for three months, and then went on to attend a language class for a year from October, as well as a half-hearted talk.

Then in 2016 she started 1st year of Theology, 2nd year of Sister Janet and 1st year of Sister Stella Jhadratra. 02-10-2018 AD. In the year, subject to the light of the Sangha and the Ashram, Sister Tandra wrote Njjh (Ngdhvatrthb Jharparr Jhdhrhdhdhr) and wrote the oral exam on 04-10-2018. He passed the exam on 10th October and submitted the papers properly and on 5th November. He started a 16-month course and also spent some time with the Elizabethini Sisters and visited Padua Ashram.

In the year 12-02-2020, Sister Tandra passed the written and oral examination and remained there. In the meantime Kovid.19. Plan to do nursing course according to the association’s plan However, he could not be prepared because of the terrible coronavirus government 3 March 2020 From shops, schools to colleges all closed indefinitely.People can only go to the bio to bring food and medicine. So c. Tandra also started from Ngchajho and from April Ngvatarpab started. She serves her rivals there, and in addition to serving with the Italian sisters, she also conducts hermitage and spiritual practices properly.

Almost all the sisters are over 60 years old. Everyone loves her and loves her as much. By the grace of God, Sangha has got another new field in the name of Bangladesh and Sangha in exile To serve the Lord, to testify. She is currently alone and as an SMRA sister Another will come very soon, ready to come.

Sister Pragga SMRA was the first missionary to Italy after a long 18 year period. He is the founder of SMRA Padua Ashram. When Sister Minoti visited the ashram in September 2019, Superior General Sister Mary Minoti was informed to take Sister back to the country due to the decision of the officials of the organization due to old age. Because it is not right to be among the patients at this age.

Sister General therefore sent Padua to Sister Dipti on 21st February 2020. Coronavis just started in Italy. So little Aangi thanked Sister at different stages and Sister Pragga also met her helpful friends.

The contribution of Sister Pragga is very much in this Padua Ashram and organization. From the very beginning, keeping in view the purpose of coming here, they have tried their best to keep the ashram afloat by building language as well as adapting to the environment. Who is the overall help Chatter. Ahambasara aibattara, chadharsara atmabahrahara, ut- intbaraha, gadhatradha nabatbangandha, ebhaba orsadhahafdha dhahaf rdhyabatang. We are all grateful to him. Covid-19With the onset of Epidemic Covid 19, shops and colleges in Italy have been closed since March 3, 2020
Offices, courts, churches and public gatherings were closed.

The incidence of the virus is increasing day by day The number of deaths continues to double. This gives a lock down to the organization here.At our institution, 600 patients, various steps were taken to protect them. In this horrible situation, the sisters serve the patients day and night. Especially Sisters Swapna Meryane . Stella and Sister Tandra and his place are similarly serviced. Sister Janet and Sister Clotilda live in the house and do odd jobs and serve their sisters.

Day and night we meditate, worship, pray and accept sacrifices in this terrible epidemic. The death of thousands of people every day increases the fear and apprehension of the mind. We have always prayed to the great God. Even though I am deprived of Christianity, I go to Apple every day to receive Christian offerings on TV at home.

By the grace of God and the prayers of all, everyone is healthy to this day. Many have died from this institution. Meanwhile, Sister Tandra and the sisters of her ashram got infected with Kovid and recovered. Some priests and patients of their institution died. Everyone in their monastery was sick except Mother Franca Pia.

Expatriate mission work is like a roam experience of life. I have just prayed for the world as well as for the country and the people of the country that God protect the people of our poor country.  Here Patients, nurses, doctors, staff, volunteers all get two vaccinations in the first saree in January. Currently the situation is fairly good. Everything is going well as the situation is good. Thank god.